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Dalston Collection
The understated elegance of this contemporary area rug collection is rich in industrial artistry. Each abstract rug design looks rugged and raw, using striations and shadows to develop depth and dimension throughout the floorcoverings’ textural field. A modern mix of polyester and polypropylene fibers softens the edgy style of each accent rug with subdued shades of grey and beige.
available sizes: 2 x 3regular:$30(NOW $23) 2.3 x 7.6regular:$90(NOW $73) 3’11″x5’7″regular:$100(NOW $80)
5.3 x 7.6 regular:$190(NOW $145) 6.7x 9.6regular:$290(NOW $210) 7’10″x10’10″regular:$380(NOW $280) and 8.6 x 13regular:$540(NOW $440)
Try to find the lowest price online, and then we’ll sell it to you for 10% lower.
Plus Free Shipping on orders more than $100(except 9×12 and up)